Scanning your PC files and folders regularly with Antivirus program is highly recommended. By regular scanning your PC with Antivirus program, your PC becomes safe for your use. With some antivirus software programs, it becomes easier to scan entire system or the particular folder for viruses and other threats. If you have Bitdefender antivirus program installed on your PC, then you can scan the whole system files and folders or can examine the particular folder.
The scanning process in the Bitdefender 2016 version is simple. You get the option to scan whole system and individual files and folders. That’s why we wrote the post to guide you on Scanning files with Bitdefender 2016 Antivirus program. Scroll down to read the tutorial on How to scan the system files using the Bitdefender 2016.
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Scan Files or Folders using Bitdefender
There are different ways to scan the Files and folders using Bitdefender Antivirus 2016 edition. Here is the first method to scan records and folders for threats. Just make sure you have Bitdefender installed on your System.
Method #1: – Scan Specific File or Folder directly
- Find the Desired folder or file you want to scan for viruses using Bitdefender.
- Right click on the file and select “Scan using Bitdefender”.
- The file or folder will be scanned by the program for viruses and potential threats.
Method #2: – Scan Entire Computer
By this method, you can perform a Full System scan using Bitdefender Antivirus program. So start scanning your entire PC files, you’ve to follow these steps.
- First of all, open the Bitdefender 2016 Antivirus.
- Click on the Modules button.
- Now, find out the button, in which you can see System Scan, then click on “Scan Now.”
- Now, the Antivirus Scan wizard will appear, and your System will be scanned completely.
These are the exact methods, which will help you in scanning your computer, and it’s folders for viruses and other harmful threats. Such threats can cause the data loss or temporary system failure. So, it is always wise to keep scanning your system and the external removable storage devices like Pen Drive, MicroSD cards, and external hard disk drives before opening them.
So, these are how you can keep scanning your individual files and folders with Bitdefender Antivirus 2016. It is critical to scan the suspected files keep your computer safe and secure from the Viruses and other harmful threats like Malware, Trojans, etc. And Bitdefender 2016 is better in removing the harmful viruses.
I like BitDefender because key facts can be encripted.
BitDefender context menu only works with Wiondows Exploere – why have they restrictyed it so??
I use DOpus as my COMPLETE file management app and can’t get the contect menu as BitDefender prevents it – WHY?????????????????
Sorry about my crappy typing