Windows 8.x or the new launched 10 remain eye candy not only for the users but also for the malware and other threats lurking in the internet space. Phishing sites would be salivating at the prospects of a new kid on the block namely the Windows 10 operating system. Nevertheless, answer to the million-dollar question […]
How to install Kaspersky 2017 on Windows PC (Offline)
Kaspersky is one of the trusted antivirus tools you can get. It has been in the industry and has a worry-free track record. It is worth noting that the latest version of Kaspersky – that is, Kaspersky 2017 – is also up to the mark. So, you might be interested in purchasing and installing Kaspersky […]
How to Secure Web Browsers in Windows?
There is no lack for digital threats nowadays. The number is increasing day by day, including ransomware attacks, Trojan, spyware, adware – you name it. As you know, most of these threats infect you via Internet, that is when you are browsing web. Therefore, having a secure web browser has become the necessity of today’s […]
Is Windows Defender Good enough for Protection of Windows 10 or 8?
Back in 2009, Microsoft had launched a completely free antivirus software to protect Windows PC from malware and other threats. It was noted for the simple User Interface, minimized resource consumption and most prominently, its tight integration with Windows OS environment. Starting with Windows 8, Microsoft Security Essentials became the default antivirus tool for all […]