We happen to come across various kinds of internet threats and frauds every day, causing the loss of money and lots of other assets too. The way evil hands work is quite strategic that we don’t know about the pits until we’re fallen into one. It is for protecting your privacy from such crimes that […]
How to Use Bitdefender Safepay
Unlike the old days, a web browser isn’t a mere website-loading software nowadays. On the other hand, it’s more or less the gateway to Internet, from reading articles to watching videos and testing your codes and buying the desired stuff online! Because of these various trends, particularly dealing with eCommerce, we have been seeing a […]
What is Bitdefender Safepay?
What’s the last time you used money as such to pay for something you bought? Well, we think you’d have to think a bit more deeply! It’s so because online purchasing and online payment have so popular; up to an extent that desired products or services can be at your doorstep in a matter of […]