When you talk about antivirus programs, they protect your computer nicely. Be it a malware, an unsafe website or anything which can harm your computer, the antivirus is a must for any system. But there are few users who often tend to install more than one antivirus programs on their systems. This is because all the antiviruses have specific features and to protect their PCs from all kinds of attacks or malware, they install multiple programs. But aren’t they doing wrong? Well, according to their point of view, they may be right but that’s not the reality!!
They can turn out to be a danger for their computers. There are various reasons why one should avoid installing more than one antivirus program on their laptop or PC.
Why Not to Install More Than One Antivirus?
Installing more than one antivirus is more dangerous than real malware software or virus present in your system. This is because these competing antiviruses tend to send and monitor your system’s information just like a virus. Besides decreasing the processing speed, it’s waste to invest in more than one antivirus program because rather providing extra protection to your system they tend your PC to threats which may cost you even more to get rid of.
Truly speaking, if you install more than one antivirus program and try to run them at the same time, conflicts and errors may arise ending up with less effective protection or no protection at all.
Three Reasons to Avoid Multiple Antivirus Programs:
Race Over Viruses:
You might have heard the story of Scorpio riding on Fish’s back in order to cross the river and at the end gets bitten up by Scorpio because the only job of Scorpio is to bite and it does it wholeheartedly no matter what. Similar is with an antivirus program.
When an antivirus program detects a virus, it removes it completely and quarantines it. So when other competing antivirus encounters the same virus, it tries to do its job and will remove the virus which has been already removed by the another one. So in this case, it sends you continuously fake warnings regarding the persistence of virus even after it has been fixed which might be a problem for you.
So avoid more than one antivirus to prevent the conflict of antivirus programs over viruses.
Rivals of Each Other:
Basically, antivirus program manufacturers are rivals of each other. They tend to block each other and remove whenever they search for the programs that are programmed to send and monitor your system information.
In this case, they act as virus to each other and try to kill their competing antiviruses.
Power Loss:
Using more than one antivirus will decrease the effectiveness of your system as an antivirus program utilizes a lot of memory in order to perform its operations like scanning, and many more.
So installing and running two antivirus program at the same time will definitely reduce the performance efficiency of your system without any sort of benefit.
Final Verdict
From the above-mentioned cons, it is quite obvious that installing more than one antivirus program is a bad idea. Well, you can run another security product alongside the antivirus program for better security options but not another antivirus program.
So if one antivirus fails to fix the problem then it is better that you remove it before installing another. And before installing other antivirus program try to make a thorough research to choose the best antivirus that is capable of tackling the latest malware programs single-handedly. Play safe!
🙂 I used to think that installing more than one anti virus will protect my pc double time but my old desktop gave in :/ I learned this the hard way :/
Hehe. Glad you find that out.
BTW your comment was in spam. I think you are gonna need to contact Akismet guys to whitelist your URL.
Great post! Makes alot of sense..I found it to be real resource hog running more than one antivirus program.
Thanks for your comment Don. Keep reading. 🙂