There is no scarcity for inappropriate content on the Internet. Here, inappropriate may a whole lot of various things – ranging from malware, phishing and from tracking to pornographic content. In other words, we do all have some kind of inappropriate content that we want to stay away from. Or, if you are a parent, you will want your children to stay away from all these, right? Well, for one, I think the second task is more important than the first, due to obvious reasons.
With the increasing type of such threats, it might seem pretty hard to get the right protection, but it isn’t. In this article, we have created a compilation of some means you can use to protect yourself and your children from inappropriate internet content.
#1 Educate Your Children
This is the first effective step for protecting your children from inappropriate internet content. They should have a strong conscience when they are using the Internet, no matter what they browse or download. Basic idea here is to make them tell apart right and wrong. For example, we can take the case of links and security. Teach them that the HTTPS sign is essential when they want to do a payment. Also, teach your children that it’s insecure to share Credit Card, Debit Card and Bank Details with strangers. At the end of the day, they’re required to have a strong Internet sensibility.
#2 Use a Monitoring System
We don’t mean that you should spy on your children’s activities. However, until they reach a point of sense, conscience and maturity, it’s always good to know what your kids are doing on the Internet. In case if you’ve forgotten, there are a lot of evil that is present on the web, including but limited to content that encourage terrorism, vandalism, racism and suicide. Children, at particular ages, are really prone to these threats. So, it is the duty of the parent to drive them away from such problems — at any cost. You can either use one of dedicated monitoring software or have a regular talk about what’s up in the web world.
#3 Parental Controls
If you are using an antivirus program, you would be having this feature – namely Parental Controls. You can use these techniques to control what your kids are doing on the internet. For instance, if you don’t want the kids to access pornographic content or something that is malicious, you can simply block the keyword. Also, if you think a particular website isn’t good for your kids, you have an option to block that site too. It needs to be noted that you should have a strong sense of conscience before you enable these controls. While you take good care of their security, don’t cut down the methods of free thinking and decision-making.
#4 Use an Antivirus Program
It’s okay if you can trust Windows Defender, but we do highly recommend going for a premium antivirus and anti-malware protection suite. If your kids are using the Internet for downloads, you should restrict or unblock URL that contain malicious objects.. On the other hand, what you can do is to prevent the execution of malicious files and programs after they have been downloaded. Here, an antivirus can help you a lot — in many aspects. For instance, if you notice carefully, many of antivirus packages are coming with parental controls and internet privacy. Even with the minimal effort from your side, you and your children would be protected from the commonest yet dangerous threats in the world of web, including privacy theft and tracking from multiple authorities.
#5 Do Regular Checks
This might sound amazing, but most factors that attract inappropriate internet content are stored within the PC storage areas. You might not have done this with your concern. For instance, if you had installed a not-so-popular browser extension or add-on for the extra features, it can be a reason. Things are worse if you’re using a browser like Mozilla or Internet Explore (Still!). You might be able to see a lot of toolbars and extra content on the browser interface, in addition to the content changes. For instance, after these attacks, you will be seeing another search engine. You will also be subjected to the ad-based attacks. All these things will be making you vulnerable to hacking attacks, phishing and of course the stealth of your privacy and data.
Last but not least, try to make sure that you’re updated about the major threats in the world of web. That is, when you are being a victim to a threat, you should identify it as a threat.
Summing Up
These methods would, in most cases, protect yourself and your children from inappropriate internet content and we think the easiest method is to get a good antivirus program. That way, you can have the benefits of real-time monitoring, parental controls and the overall protection. And, we must say, digital literacy is one thing your kids should never miss.
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