Every Computer needs antivirus for security and privacy. They offer a better protection than that offered by Operating System’s default. We may get some kind of malware by downloading files which contain contents that may harm our devices. Viruses mainly occur when some files that we download are presented on a site as a scam. Free Antivirus Programs allow us to enjoy protection and security to protect our device from viruses as well as save a lot of money. Also, that if we want to change our antivirus software we can do it without losing any amount of money.
Only One Antivirus Program Per Computer
But only one antivirus program can run at a time. So, if we want to change our anti-virus system we’ll need to uninstall the already existing program first and then install the one we want to. An Antivirus program helps to detect any sort of malware or viruses in order to keep the device safe from any harm. Free Antivirus software requires updates and renewals time to time. The biggest advantage associated with them is, they’re totally free of cost and are quite easy to download. A few examples of such programs are: Avast, AVG, Kaspersky and K7.
Free Antivirus Program?
Also, there are some advantages of Paid-Antivirus programs over the free ones as they offer more data coverage and better firewall. Like everything has its advantages and disadvantages, similar is the case here. People usually prefer free-antivirus programs over the paid ones, but there’s no hiding that paid antivirus software may just provide better protection and privacy. Paid antivirus programs use a more advanced detection technology that gains it a technical advantage over the free ones.
Free antivirus software may fail to detect some kinds of viruses which may cause threats to our system. Free antivirus programs ensure that our device doesn’t contain any additional contents that may damage our system. The free ones no doubt are more effective than the paid ones, but not to forget, the paid ones offer many additional protection options and are more reliable than the free ones.
Using a type of antivirus program also depends on the internet usage, as the internet usage will determine how much security is needed for the system. If you’re willing to save money then you may look for the best antivirus program available at free of cost, if not, you may enjoy the luxuries of paid programs which will provide you with the best and the latest harm-detection technologies available ensuring that there is no damage caused to your device.
Summing it Up
Free antivirus software is totally worth. But as they say, every coin has two sides, similar is the case here. On one hand there is an array of pros associated with it then on the other hand there are a few cons too. But at the end of the day, it all comes down to your budget, whether you’re willing to pay for antivirus protection or not.
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