{"id":333,"date":"2023-12-07T23:12:57","date_gmt":"2023-12-07T17:42:57","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/antivirusinsider.com\/?p=333"},"modified":"2023-12-07T23:12:57","modified_gmt":"2023-12-07T17:42:57","slug":"bitdefender-internet-security-vs-total-security","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/antivirusinsider.com\/bitdefender-internet-security-vs-total-security\/","title":{"rendered":"Bitdefender Internet Security Vs Bitdefender Total Security"},"content":{"rendered":"

The world we live in may seem extremely ironical, especially when we see people using cracked antivirus solutions to protect their computers. Instead of having a better protection, they compromise their security as well as privacy and turn the story other way round. Because of these reasons, given that you are not ready to stick onto the basic level protection that is offered by free antivirus, it has become more or less essential to have a paid antivirus solution in a PC, so that you\u2019d not have to be afraid of the various kinds of threats and vulnerabilities that we come across.<\/p>\n



The Bitdefender Internet Security vs Bitdefender Total Security Scenario<\/h2>\n

That having said it\u2019s also important whether you have chosen the best antivirus software<\/a>\u00a0you get from the market. At the least, you have to choose one of the best. If you would like to comply with that, we think Bitdefender Antivirus is definitely on your short-list, quite obviously. However, if you have thought about purchasing Bitdefender, there are a lot of chances that you would be confused between the two popular variants of the same \u2014 Bitdefender Internet Security and Bitdefender Total Security. In case, if you were facing that issue, you\u2019d have the answer here. Here, we\u2019d be having a briefer comparison of both the variants.<\/p>\n
